Aishani In A Zest (Of Lime) !

So, Rassassy was talking a stroll down the lanes of Bengal, when he chanced upon a window. He peeped into see, and there she was!
A young girl, sweating it out, at the Kitchen! He looked on for quite a while, and an hour later, this extremely worried looking lady,finally had a smile on her face. He wondered, what her story was, and the eager learner that Rassasy is, he rung the door bell!

"The Ingredients, are incomplete without the magic,the zing in them!", exclaimed Aishani.

She had sauteed some button mushrooms in soy sauce, added a tablespoon of roasted nuts - and it was all very chunky, just how she loved it - but somehow, lacked the color her soul was yearning for. She looked into the bowl, saddened, thinking to herself,what more could she possibly do, to add to the product of her hour-long labor! 
"I was sad!", she sighed. "And, who wouldn't be?. After you've waited for so long, to give something a definite shape, and then, in the end, you realise, that it isn't how you dreamt of it to be! Isn't that heartbreaking?" "Yes. But that is only, when you've reached the end. The end is, when you've given up, when you've stopped trying.", said Rassassy, with a smile. Aishani looked at him with a twitch and a gleam in her eyes.


"I started remembering, what was it that I really wanted. I wanted to cook a refreshing, nutty, tasty mushroom dish, Rass! That's all I knew. I wanted to put my heart and soul into it, so much that what I make, resonates me in its flavors, in its zing. I remembered my grit, my determination and my desire to make this a perfect dish - but in all of that, I forgot, I wished it to be, like me! 

We, Humans, are not statues. Statues are perfectly sculpted, well balanced and designed. They aren't born with anything of their own. They have a pre-determined design. Humans, are Stories. Stories grow longer as time passes. New things come up, and new people,new ides, new energies are encountered. And sometimes, these encounters change the whole meaning of the story so far!

And so, for this exact reason,
I smiled looking at the bowl of
mushrooms that I was unhappy about. 
My eyes fell on the only round ripe lime
 of the  shelf. My nutty dish could use a
little lime, a little zing -because, who
wants the regular? Isn't life all about 
extracting the little extra?

I knew I wanted the lime, at the same time,I did not want its juice - because that would overpower my dish's basic flavor. At times, we need to find different ways to incorporate newer elements.  And here, there was something  I liked very much, and wanted very eagerly too, but had no idea how!

And then, I did what I had learned many months ago, and hadn't used ever. I scrapped the skin of  the lime, and collected the scrapings in a bowl. These scrapings are called Zest. And I used this zest as dressing for my dish. I learned the importance of knowledge, and I was glad I had retained it

The dish Aishani cooked, was appreciated by all. Rassassy ate a good helping of it.
Rassassy, walked out of that house, an enlightened man. 


  1. A really neat story with clever metaphors...some of the lines are worthy of being turned to quotes. A must read for those who wish to go back to Hope.

  2. A really neat story with clever metaphors...some of the lines are worthy of being turned to quotes. A must read for those who wish to go back to Hope.

  3. For a moment it was like reading ones perspective of learning through life instead something about recipe ........

    The way of presentation prooves the taste of your mushroom dish @aishani .


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