Rassassy, Who?

Many Many miles away, and many more years ago, in the Indian town of Rassassy, was born a little boy. Bright brown eyes like the mountains around, and raven curls on his head, flowing like the emerald river - he was named after the town! 

Mister Rassassy grew up into a very tall and broad young man. His curls would overflow his mighty head, his large hands could hold a tiny pond. His eyes were glistening with a search that never seemed to meet its answer.

And so, in his quest of the unknown, he traveled far away to lands of gold and diamonds. But alas, all of it was only beautiful to think of, from a distance - and his heart's hunger was never satisfied.

 One evening he sat on his new bed, holding a letter from his mother.He opened it up in haste, and found a large cookie, that his mother had baked. The smell was invigorating to his senses and he felt emotions he hadn't felt before. He broke a piece of the cookie and placed it in his mouth. He crunched on it with his teeth, and the chocolate lashed against his tongue.There were these tiny berries bursting in his mouth, that reminded him of the evenings he went hunting for them. His soul felt 'fed' for the very first time and now he knew his true longing! His longing was to collect the memories of flavor, that filled his heart and soul - and so he set on his journey back home. 

The Tales of Rassassy - are the many little stories, that he collected, on his way back - and many more from home.


  1. One of the finest pieces I've read in a long time. Would love to be a part of this. Food and fantasy!

    1. We would love to have your story told! Please like the Facebook Page and let us follow you through.

  2. This looks like a perfect description of me. I mean seriously bruh.. this Rassassy is too good. Sounds like a forever hungry boy.

    Looking forward to this. Well written intro


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